For the Wonder

“For the wonder of each hour of the day and of the night, hill and vale and tree and flower, sun and moon and stars of light”

  • Folliott Standford Pierpoint

Just for a moment, think back to a time when your eyes witnessed a beautiful scene that caused you to stop in your tracks, become speechless, shout for joy or, simply, reflect. Let’s call that a moment of Wonder.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “wonder” as “a cause of astonishment or admiration.” For some, that moment of Wonder may be seeing the glowing sun setting behind a snow-capped mountain; for others, that moment may have been felt when a child took their first step.

For me, photography has been a way to capture moments of Wonder that I have been able to witness. 

Welcome to my website. Here you will find a collection of images that have impacted me deeply. You may look at some and think nothing of them; other images may stir up emotions in you just as they did in me.  Regardless, I present these photographs as a visual journal of the world I see — not to impress you. No, I hope these images can help us all in appreciating the beauty that is around us.

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